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Old 09-20-2006, 09:32 AM
Posts: n/a


"...because (thankfully) in this country you have no right whatsoever to force anyone to do anything. period. In short mind your own damn business."

I beg to differ. In this country we most definitely DO have the right to force people to obey the law, particularly when said law is designed to curb reckless behavior that endangers OTHER PEOPLE.

"If you don't know all the details, don't impart your values."

I see. So my "values" which consist of concern for my safety and safety of my loved ones on public roads can't be "imparted" on someone else? Especially when that other person is the one who chose to break the law and thereby put others at risk? This person was traveling at nearly 50% over the posted speed limit!

"Raise your hand if you've NEVER seen 3 digits on the speedo at one point in your life."

On public roads? Both hands raised. If you want to test your MB, your BMW, your Saab, or heck, your Kia at triple-digit speeds, then go rent some track time where the only person you'll put at risk is YOU.
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