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Old 10-08-2006, 10:12 PM
Arthur Dalton Arthur Dalton is offline
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Originally Posted by visioncasting View Post
Good info, thanks. I did give it up to 15in of vacuum. To clarify my earlier post the EGR value appeared to open when I hit somewhere around 6in. And it held pressure well.

What is the SOV value? I am unfamiliar with that. Where can I find it?

Thanks so much!
Let me clarify..
If one opens an egr at 5/6 " vac , he is not fully opening the egr .. so, the results are an incorrect flow test . a partially opened egr results in the same mis-diagnosis as a partially restricted egr tube at engine intake.. LOW FLOW.
so, we need to know that you have at least 12" vac when performing the test..see?????

The SOV is simply the electrical valve between the egr and the plastic engine vac feed line that, when opened , allows engine vac from the mentioned plastic line to the egr port you hooked your hand pump to.. This is operated from a 12v sig from the Engine management ECU sig.

So, forget the SOV for now and see if you have FULL engine vac at the line BEFORE the SOV.. that tells you that side of the feed is OK
Many guys who do not have a hand vac simply put a hose on the plastic line and bring it directly to the egr to activate it...[ this eliminates/by-passes the SOV valve/circuit] ..that will tells if the egr is opening and if the tube is blocked...if both pass that test , then the SOV circuit is suspect..
The rough running you mention at 4k is simply the rev limiter for torque converter protection at N/P trans positions

Last edited by Arthur Dalton; 10-08-2006 at 10:19 PM.
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