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Old 11-10-2006, 02:39 PM
Maroon 300D Maroon 300D is offline
Cabernet red, actually
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Willamette Valley, OR
Posts: 503
I find it shocking that a former Brig. General would be a willing witness in this matter, even though Abu Ghraib destroyed her career and reputation.

I wonder what our extradition agreements with Germany are.

I wonder whether a trial would take place in absentia.

The article mentions the ICC, but I gather this isn't being pursued through the ICC.

If this trial does take place I doubt they will find it very difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that knowledge of and responsibility for the matter do indeed go to the top. We'll see when and if the facts come out, I guess. No doubt we will pressure them politically to put a stop to this.

1985 300D Turbo, CA model
248,650 miles and counting...
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