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Old 11-14-2006, 02:15 PM
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WVOtoGO WVOtoGO is offline
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agree, but....

Originally Posted by MedMech View Post
Why do women have to wear tops? It seems unfair and discriminatory to me; this has been bothering me since I was a teenager.

Any laws especially at the beach that women have to wear tops is stupid IMO.
I agree. And so does my wife. But we have to have some laws, because not everyone would be adult about it. Many guys would be wiping out cameras and perving over it all.

Though she would never (I probably shouldn’t say “never”) go topless solo in public crowds. When it’s aircraft washing time around here (private airport & no kids, summer time) the wife and a couple of the other female crew do tend to openly show their concurrence with what you’re saying. I do think however, that they lean more toward tanning as the issue as apposed to protesting any “unfair and discriminatory” laws.

Beaches are another thing. Those that are somewhat secluded and legally topless beaches anyway. We’ve yet to find any here in the states. However, she has no problem with those that we find in Europe, the Caribbean or Mexico. In fact, a web page for the Westin Regina Resort in Cabo is using her picture (sorry guys - shot from behind) in a beach ad. (For those searching, or have seen it - she’s the one stretching with her hands over her head.)

I can see the need for laws regarding this issue here in the US. Most beaches in the US would become porn sites for all the gawkers if the laws were lifted. And I’m not sure I’d go for my kids playing on a beach full of OO's and perverts. We did take the kids to a couple of places in France and Spain that had nude beaches. I think they dealt with it fine over there because it was a foreign land with foreign people and traditions. (That’s what we told them anyway). There, most folks don’t act like they even notice. Over here, I think it would be an entirely different story.
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