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Old 02-24-2007, 01:04 PM
AustinsCE AustinsCE is offline
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A lot seems to still be slipping through the cracks. I dont care about electronic/person but the e crime involving a 22 year old isnt an 11 year old. Its not whether it happened or happened yet, as long as both involve real people.
but if you truly are innocent and there is no DNA evidence then all is
No, you have to have a reason to arrest someone in the first place. This sweep doesnt set an example, its a slap on the wrist since nobody can show damage. Hunting criminals is fine, whether they would have committed a crime otherwise or not doesnt change the fact that the cops DID have to create the situation, I dont agree with that. But, Im not arguing with you, I made my point, not my case. I dont care what happens to the guys or the cops, alls I'm saying is the premise is weak, and when just doing the right thing is superior and non-biased, completely bulletproof, and actually puts the guys away forever, it makes little sense to me to do it this way.

In my example, it was like a witch hunt, first they took the kids, then did tests and arrested the parents, nothing from the tests, kids said nothing happened, no evidence, no real testimony, but the DA is a politician, and hes been "serving" ever since. You'd vote for him, and maybe because of what he did, not looking at all angles, 'because kids were involved'.
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