I would suggest a 99 only. Recently my 722.6 transmission gave some issues and I had to replace the Valve body. I saved about $700 having a car with all the latest rev firmware on the computers as the computers did not have to be replaced as well.
I would avoid any of the v8 powered cars as the M104 has plenty of power and is MUCH cheaper to maintain 230hp vs 275 for the entry V8. Avoid the hydropneumatic suspension like the plague and avoid cars with rear A/C as there are pressurized lines that run under the car that can rust that will take down your whole A/C system if they fail.
My car is the short body. While not as roomy in the back as the LWB models its easier to park and has better handling.
Overall I have been VERY happy with my 140. One first step when buying one of these cars is to locate a mechanic that you trust. Many of the high end indy shops look at 140's as the gravy train as they do require expensive service and repair. Find yourself an honest smaller shop and you will be much happier in the long run and won't hear "140's are expensive cars" every time you come in for something simple.
While you can try to buy a car that has has service done to it I would not worry with that. Buy a well maintained car with a decent service history (does not have to be perfect) and you will be fine. 140's are nice cars and your just going to have to be prepared to spend money. I personally don't mind spending money on upkeep for a nice car as I keep my cars for a very long time. Also keep in mind just because a previous owner paid to have something repaired does not mean it was done right. I would rather have the chance to oversee major repairs rather than accept the shortcuts and cheap parts that a previous owner's budget demanded.