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Old 06-28-2007, 06:21 PM
Bokonon Bokonon is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Centennial, Colorado
Posts: 38
As a former long-term resident of Virginia, let me just say this:

NOTHING that the Virginia Republican Party does surprises or shocks me any longer. Nothing.

Although I will be mildly amused if they now turn around and claim that this law is someone else's fault -- liberals, godless Yankees living in Northern Virginia, mind control, what have you.

I suppose they feel this is a neat way to raise revenues without officially having a "tax." But I think this is far more abusive of personal liberty and fairness than an increase in the tax rate. Not to mention a gigantic perverse incentive to have the police ignore other crimes and to frame people for speeding. Ever try to fight a bogus radar gun readout?

-- Bokonon
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