Thread: Lojack
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Old 01-07-2002, 01:27 PM
Posts: n/a
We had lojack on as a precaution in case it was stolen like on the streets or a parking lot. Second, if anyone lives in NYC they should know how hard it is to park a car in Times Square with all those Diplomatic parking only. The perp stole the car by just simply requesting the car to be taken out to later be picked up and just paid the parking fee. Who would know that the parking garage attended didn't question the validity of it.

Second, we called the NYPD to preform a test if their is a lojack installed, and when the NYPD called lojack they verified it was sending signal to activate it, but the NYPD with the lojack tracker couldn't even located and the E55 was next to him. Thus leading us to belief that there is no lojack.

I have another question can mercedes track a vehicle through either the command system or tele aid? If so, what is the point to Lojack.
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