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Old 09-02-2007, 08:42 PM
Will_w202 Will_w202 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Well, as the issue has been going on for 2 years and 70k (yes, 70k in 2 years) I've tried MANY gas stations. I would say that I DON'T experience the issue at 1 in 10 stations. So, it's an issue with vapors accumulating where they shouldn't.

Back to square best guess is vapors aren't escaping, and that pretty much would have to mean something is wherever the vents are along the path is where I will start

I'll probably end up throwing it in the shop and paying them $90 to figure it out. I give up
former: 83 300D, 97 C230, 93 400E

current: 08 C300 Luxury , 92 500SL
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