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Old 10-17-2007, 11:35 PM
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Botnst Botnst is offline
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You know what bugs me about this (as a scientist)? That it makes eugenics impossible to talk about without the racism charge coming-up. It is just so easy to say the wrong thing and set people off with the whole Nazi thing.

To me, failure to look at eugenics is blinding humanity to the science and technology that are here NOW--- tools with which we can manipulate the genes of a gamete or zygote. Want to solve worldwide hunger? Splice the genes into the nucleus that are necessary to allow chloroplasts to survive in human cells. The downside is we'd be kind of green. Or how about developing gills? Wouldn't you love to swim deep and long without scuba gear? I would.

I think that we will see the ability for those conjectures and God knows what else, in society's hands within 20 years. Unless we can talk about eugenics, we'll be flying intentionally blind.

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