Thread: Ezl
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Old 10-25-2007, 08:52 PM
vegadonovan vegadonovan is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 86
Thats a new one.... Sounds too good to be true..

The vaccum is there to let the EZL decide when to advance the timing based on the amount of vaccum.

More vaccum = Idle or slow moving
Less Vaccum = Wide Open Throttle or fast moving

So pulling the vaccum will let the EZL think that the car needs more advance timing and power thus advancing the timing.

I wonder if the quiter engine you are referring may be due to the absence of the shaking at low idle; in which case increasing the idle will smoothen it out a little....

Hope it helps.
1992 200E
AKA Silver Old Grumpy
Always hope I can freeze someone with the aircon- Just change the compressor again, Subseal leaked with a psssssssss sound.
Its the NON-3 Pointed star items on my car that cost more to repair.$%^&%%*^&
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