Originally Posted by skiier3_9
to add to what others have noted - the bulb out indicator can only the lights that are currently suppose to be on. So - if you start the car (without pushing the brake pedal or turning on the headlights) the lamp shouldn't be lit, period.
If it is - I would guess that KermitF is on to your problem - the MIL is for some other system.
Skiier3_9, I agree with you, it should not be on. When I start the car, without it in gear, without turning any lights on, that warning light is on. This warning light should indicate which light is in use that is currently burnt out. So rear brakes, fogs wouldn't have triggered it.
As for KermitF's suggestion, we've had this car since new, so I am 99.9% sure nobody's been inside the instrument cluster to swap bulbs yet. Lee, the license plate lights have caught me too, couple of times at the inspection station. So that's the first place I look now.
Also - to head off another cause: I've heard that changing to lower wattage LED bulbs will cause this, but I don't have any. All the bulbs have been on the car for at least a couple of years, so it's not from a recent change.
I'm going to take a comprehensive look tomorrow. Maybe swap out each bulb one by one to see if I can isolate it. Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
The mystery continues.....