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Old 03-13-2008, 01:54 AM
frosty frosty is offline
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Posts: 178
Okay, so how do you pronounce...

Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher? I did a search, even went on, but for some reason I'm just not getting it. I want to say his name properly so as to sound somewhat intelligent should I have to mention his name in talking about existentialism. Also, for the Swedes here, how do you say Thor's hammer, Mjolnir? I understand that the "j" is pronounced like the one in fjord, right?

Let's see, Satre is pronounced "SAH-truh" with the last syllable barely stressed and Nietsche is pronounced "Nee-chee" or "Nee-cha"? I also understand that the "s" in Descartes is not pronounced, right? And while we're at it, the composer Chopin is pronounced "Show-pahn," same as the American writer Kate Chopin?
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