04-28-2008, 10:23 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Wash DC metro area
Posts: 22
Done in 1.5 hrs
Did the glows on Sun. 1.5 hrs from shutdown to plugs done, we took our time buttoning it up and replacing all the high pressure fuel line guides/supports (clips and rubber, reused sturdy steel brackets). I HIGHLY recommend you do this BTW.
My brother removed the plugs with a 1/4" drive snap-on swivel-head ratchet - he has more patience than I AND has more experience with the 'feel' of certain fasteners.
Plugs #2-5 came out without a hitch, #1 and 6 were snug, so re ran the car without the intake to heat the engine back up. With a tad more elbow grease than was needed for the first 4, the last 2 were freed.
In the pic the plugs are in no particular order but the one most corroded is #1. Plugs were original, replace on the 27th at 102,200 miles
2004.5 Dodge Ram 3500 CTD QC SB 4x4
1999 E300D
Deere 770 w/FEL