Originally Posted by Carleton Hughes
You do NOT want to run crankcase oil in your car unless you are prepared to $pend megabucks filtering it.
Metallic particles will be the death knell of your IP AND cylinders.
As mentioned long ago I heat my house with crankcase oil which simply necessitates 3 stages of filtration and a plenum/preheater arrangement,in this case a propane burner to get the oil up to vaporisation temp.
Essentially every cycle the propane comes on for 1-2 minutes and then thermostatically shuts off and the heavy oil is ignited,no fuss,no muss,twice yearly cleanings are de rigeur.
This is the type of ignorance from lack of education that keeps me with plenty of used oil to run in my diesel (for the past 10yrs). If you want the truth about burning used oils in a diesel shoot me a email (As many people do). Yes you need to filter first(Of course gravel size chunks are bad-duh) but not with some military centrifuge (Simply settle,heat and filter through a basic coffee filter will suffice).The more you filter the less your stock filter has to work but anything (even metal particles) below 5-10 microns (which is what your stock fuel filter is) will pass through a IP and injectors with NO damage (This is what a fuel FILTER is designed to do, filter any particles LARGE ENOUGH to cause damage) I could go on all day about this but I'm tired of having a battle of wits with unarmed opponents!
Don't take my word for it, do some studyng (Oil analysis, etc..) then make up your own mind.