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Old 05-23-2008, 07:42 PM
cg487 cg487 is offline
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Posts: 74
Originally Posted by vito View Post
I seem to have read several posts where you are spouting this nonsense. Here is some news for you buddy, this is not "the rest of the world", this is the USA. It's left wing globalists like yourself that are going to bring this country down. If we would use the natural resources at our disposal, and our elite military to protect them, we could have $2.50 fuel while "the rest of the world" pays $8, thats how it should be. But alas we find our govt controlled buy nutless tree hugger evironmentalist whackos who find it unfair that we pay less than "the rest of the world".

Let me guess, Obama '08 bumper sticker?
Whoa there! The rest of the world is paying $8.00 per gallon because more than half of that is taxes! $8.10 gallon fuel in England for instance is $4.30 in taxes p[er gallon! We pay LESS because we pay LESS taxes per gallon, but the US does not have the strategic advances you think we do. We are just good consumers with money to spend and an economy that provides most of our needs because taxes are kept LOW, not HIGH!

No Obama Bumper stickers on ANYTHING of mine!
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

The Greatest Arizona Senator ever, Barry M Goldwater. I hope you can see from heaven how much you are missed.
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