Thread: New RNC chair
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Old 01-30-2009, 03:03 PM
Honus Honus is offline
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New RNC chair

The RNC is in the process of picking a new chair. Michael Steele appears to be in the lead. If he's the best they have, then I think the Dems are in good shape. He ran for Governor of Maryland a few years ago, in 2006, I believe it was. The incumbent at the time was Republican, but Maryland is a strong Democratic state and it was a particularly bad year for Republicans. Things were so bad, he tried to convince people that he was a Democrat. Someone, I don't recall whether it was from his campaign, passed out bumper stickers saying "Steele Democrat." When called on it, he defended the bumper sticker by saying that it was intended to refer to the owner of the sticker as a Democrat who supports the Republican Steele, sort of like the old Reagan Democrats. It was completely dishonest, yet he defended it. Since then, he has been on Fox News spewing crap. The man has no credibility, IMHO. If the GOP puts him up there to lead the party, along with Mitchell, Boehner, and Cantor, then I'm feeling good about the Dems' chances in 2010.
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