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Old 02-02-2009, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by kerry View Post
Republicans follow the law? How do you explain Guantonamo which was chosen as a prison camp because it was beyond the reach of the law?

On a theoretical level, there is a difference between monarchy and constitutional democracies but it isn't that one is the rule of men and one isn't. The rule of law is the rule of laws created by a larger group than kings and princes.
I thought he was asking for something other than yet another "my party is red hot, your party ain't diddley-squat" type argument.

One of the best arguments (IMO) about law is between Charles I of England and the Roundheads during the King's trial. It was a damned serious argument in which all concerned tried to maintain solemn order, but the King lost his head in the end. (I couldn't resist).
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