Thread: Acorn
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Old 05-20-2009, 08:29 AM
Honus Honus is offline
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Originally Posted by MS Fowler View Post
Not ACORN related, but here in MD, Casa Maryland is alleged to work it this way:
State bans the use of photo ID for voter identification. Illegal immigrants come to MD, and are directed to the office of a local office. Here they are issued an ID and the name and address of a democrat voter. Presumably a voter who will not be using that name and address, but are still on the roles.
As to whether or not any of this is true, I cannot say. I know that state does not allow any form of photo ID to be used, and the state has tried to lengthen the days and times that the polls are open. For a state as small as Maryland, this seems to be only to allow more voting fraud--you can drive anywhere in this state in 5 hours; you can drive completyt across it, depending on where you choose in anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour or so. ( Alowing days for voting would make it bus caravans of fraudulent voters quite possible.
Like I said, I cannot vouch for any of the fraud allegations. I have heard them from people who claim to know, and who are attempting to stop it. Are they completely truthful?--who knows.
This much I do know---allowing illegals to vote is every bit as much voter fraud as preventing citizens from voting--both are wrong.
The risk of casting a fraudulent vote is so much greater than the potential reward, I don't see why anyone would do it. Take the 2008 Presidential election in Virginia. If I put my liberty on the line and took the risk of casting a fraudulent vote for Barack Obama, it would increase his vote total by 0.00005%. So, where are these brave souls that Acorn recruits to risk ruining their lives for such a tiny reward?
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