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Old 05-21-2009, 11:31 PM
John Doe John Doe is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 101
That 45 mph speed limit probably saved my life more than a few times, camping down the BRP after the Deer Creek and RFK shows, heading to Charlotte after the four day break in Spring Tour.

Swede--where yat? You are probably the only one here that knows what I am talking about

Prettier in NC though, IMO. Although I am an AVID hunter, I resolved never to take a bear while sitting on an overlook at 3 am with a spotlight (when the first 1M candlepower ones came out and they were still novelties) near looking glass falls in 1990 or so, looking down into a valley at a black bear sow with three cubs going about their business. At that moment in time and still very vividly in my memory, they just struck me as too close to humans in their mannerisms that I had no desire to kill one.
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