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Old 08-20-2009, 12:39 AM
10fords 10fords is offline
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Originally Posted by davidmash View Post
I read an article From a Ex CIA agent involved in interrogations. I do not recall the name of the terrorist but we was way up the chain of command. During the interrogation, they gave him tea and cookies. He drank the tea but did not eat the cookies. Ended up he was diabetic. The interrogator brought him some sugar free cookies. That along with a few will placed lies got him to spill his guts. He ended up telling them exactly where to find Sadam. The point of the story he said was that they (the enemy) think we are cold hearted bastards who care nothing about humanity and will destroy them in a heart beat with out remorse. The action of giving him cookies essentially took the wind out of his sail.

I am not thrilled about releasing this guy from jail bu his life is over. He has been deprived of his freedom during the time in which he was healthy. He knows his days are numbered. Releasing him may/probably will make people think twice. The US/UK are releasing a man who took part in the murder of 259 people because he has cancer and is dying. That does not jibe with the propaganda we have been told about the evil (US/UK) empires.

The lives of the 259 murdered people cannot be brought back. If his release makes one potential bomber think twice and turn around, IMO, it will have been worth it. He is a dead man soon anyway. Whether he dies in prison or not to me makes little difference at this point. His release may actually do some good.
How the hell do you think that his release is going to make a potential bomber think twice??? He was NOT deprived of his freedom, He deprived himself of his freedom by his actions. I sincerely hope that you are not in a position to influence or affect other peoples lives with your judgement.
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