Yes. I replaced it about 6 months ago with the correct Bosch PN. It worked fine after that, until recently. It seems to only do it after it warms up but I can't say that for sure. It doesn't do it consistently, but when it does, it is very noticeable, and very bad when the AC is on.
1998 C230 330,000 miles (currently dead of second failed EIS, yours will fail too, turning you into the dealer's personal human cash machine)
1988 F150 144,000 miles (leaks all the colors of the rainbow)
Previous stars: 1981 Brava 210,000 miles, 1978 128 150,000 miles, 1977 B200 Van 175,000 miles, 1972 Vega (great, if rusty, car), 1972 Celica, 1986.5 Supra