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Old 02-02-2010, 08:32 AM
BobK BobK is offline
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I think a good bit of the time, if you are in one group or the other you are assumed to be of whichever mindset and it may be unwise to let people know how you really feel. Where I work, folks seem to be left center to far left. The folks on center right to right have to keep a low profile.
Some folks have strong religious beliefs that dictate an anti-gay position. It is generally not out of meanness, simply a belief that something is wrong from a moral standpoint. These folks do tend to be republicans. But then where does that leave my father? He is a true blue Democrat. He considers big corps to be all out to screw the little guy. Yet he would be strongly anti-gay and he is quite religous. i really don't think the pigeon holes work on the issue. Some folks are very far to the pro gay side, some are far to the anti gay rights side and whole lot of folks are wandering blindly in the middleground (like me).
It's a tough discussion. With admittedly a fair amount of the ich factor. We are not all going to agree on most parts of this. This much I will promise: I will listen to your thoughts (provided there is no name calling or screaming) and give them serious consideration. Like I said, I am still trying to work out where I stand. maybe you will have the idea that crystalizes it all for me and helps me figure it out.
Now on to the discussion. The thought occurs to me that a gay person and I (straight male) DO have equal rights on marriage. I (if single) may marry any available person of the oposite sex and so may you.
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