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Old 03-03-2010, 11:28 PM
skinnison skinnison is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 114
Thanks again for all the words of advice everyone, I'm taking it all in. Thanks for the link TylerH860. The 1994 silver wagon is gorgeous.

First thing tomorrow I am making some calls to see if I can find a MB indy-mechanic who can offer a reasonable quote.

The front end on my wagon is good and the trany is fine. I imagine the self-leveling system is next to go though. It has not shown any signs of failure but living in the north east has got to be tough on it. I am wondering what that expense would be. Let's say I find a MB mechanic to do the previously mentioned work for $2500-$3000 and then the self-leveling dies this year, what will that put me back? I have heard there are less expensive fixes, such as putting in some other type of shock or something, is that true? If not what is the price for a typical rebuild?
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