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Old 03-12-2010, 08:03 PM
samiam44 samiam44 is offline
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Posts: 436

I really don't understand your statements about alignements. There is a proceedure for alignment- straping the car down IS NOT IN THE PROCEEDURE. Anyway, yes the W124 is suppose to have a tire force applied to simulate at-speed forces. Without it, the car will be toe'd out too much at speed. All alignments should have approximate weighting based on the driver- if it's 150 lbs (assumed) then close for many ppl.

THere is a huge spectrum in those alignment specs... take some experience and skill with setting one up to getting a good alignment.

Is the shimmy seem even in the front or more from the left side? I'd say replace the wheel brgs and if there is ANY play in the idler arm- replace the bushings.

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