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Old 04-21-2010, 01:21 PM
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benhogan benhogan is offline
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Originally Posted by okyoureabeast View Post
When you pick up a temp job, you lose the benefits that you paid for with your taxes.

Some of the solutions you posted, while perfectly acceptable, are significant in the sense that moving out of a home/ buying a car are financially significant events in a person's life.

Moving is also especially difficult for people. Are you about to tell your wife and kids that the town they live in sucks and we need to move? What if Johnny is a junior in high school looking at colleges?
Absolutely. 100%

If you found out that one of your relatives was going to die UNLESS you.....

-moved away from a town that had no jobs
-leave your friends and family
-Johnny will have to not go to college and work in the cheese factory
-sell the house and move to a trailer

If you are not willing to do this (to survive), you are not facing reality.

You have to do what you have to do.

The one bright spot is, nothing lasts forever. After the storm, you can always move back to the town you love, and Johnny can go to college. Not facing reality only prolongs the pain.
1987 190d 2.5Turbo
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