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Old 04-30-2010, 10:53 PM
jguedel jguedel is offline
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Posts: 15
1992 500e Engine noise, Engine out

I started another thread on

Local dealer spent 15+ hours trying to figure out engine noise, no luck. They did it all, boroscope, video scope, carbon clean, compression test, etc.

Compression is 10lbs lower than the others on cyl #2 but still in spec.

They took valve covers off, nothing. They took the engine out, turned it upside down,pulled the pan, nothing. Clean. Well cared for 187k miles.

So, as you see in the photo engine and trans are in the back of my 77 dodge power wagon going to another mechanic to have the head pulled.

The shop foreman says he thinks its a scuffed piston skirt.

Any other guesses?

The could not pull the piston out from the bottom because of the counter balance.

There is video of the noise on youtube.
Attached Thumbnails
1992 500e Engine noise, Engine out-img00009-20100430-1504.jpg  
1988 560SL
1992 500E
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2001 E55 AMG
2005 E 320 CDI
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