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Old 06-10-2010, 01:38 PM
vtmbz vtmbz is offline
1985 190d
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: canadian border vermont
Posts: 518
My first 190 didnt ever kick in; but my new one kicks on at about 110. It drops to about 90 afterwards. Contrary to the FSM, you dont hear it, but the fan turns much faster.
The front sensor on mine is a 100c; the second sensor under the intake is for the glow plug relay I THINK. I have the electromagnetic clutch btw.

I heated up my first 190 by idling it too long; it got to 120 before I caught it.
I drove away and it cooled right down without damage except for hardening some seals. later I found that all the black paint had flaked off the bottom of the block so I suspect I caught it just in time.
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