I'm sure it is a straight forward job for someone that has some experience with cars, but this is my first time. I have never done it, never read a book on it, never seen it done before....doing cosmetic surgery is easy to me, but I'm sure it would be a little challenging for anyone of you that has never done it before. I just need a little guidance, I'm pretty much going in blind....anything can happen that I wanna be prepared for like stripping a bolt, breaking a piece off of something that I need to move to get to the water pump, etc. I'm already aware that I need to get a new belt tensioner since I heard that they tend not to re-tightened once removed. Two of you are arguing about the use of silicone for this application, I do not know which one of you are right. I only planned on putting it around any adjacent parts as a precautionary purpose, but should I or should I not? Input from someone that has done this job before on the same or similar model would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
1990 190E 3.0L