Originally Posted by lsmalley
I'm sure it is a straight forward job for someone that has some experience with cars, but this is my first time. I have never done it, never read a book on it, never seen it done before....doing cosmetic surgery is easy to me, but I'm sure it would be a little challenging for anyone of you that has never done it before. I just need a little guidance, I'm pretty much going in blind....anything can happen that I wanna be prepared for like stripping a bolt, breaking a piece off of something that I need to move to get to the water pump, etc. I'm already aware that I need to get a new belt tensioner since I heard that they tend not to re-tightened once removed. Two of you are arguing about the use of silicone for this application, I do not know which one of you are right. I only planned on putting it around any adjacent parts as a precautionary purpose, but should I or should I not? Input from someone that has done this job before on the same or similar model would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
For the water pump job, No silicone involved anywhere..yes I have don't it on my car... factory service manual also does indicate the usage of silicone anywhere.....it does not really add any additional protection, and could cause an unnecessary mess
The only time you need some silicone like compound is if you are resealing the front timing cover...but that is not what you are doing...
The water pump itself is an easy job. getting to it is not too bad if you keep track of what you did. it has 4 allen bolts, the lower two are tricky to get out without the right tools.....spray bolts with PB blaster a night before to make breaking them easier...they might be a bit rusted as was the case with mine..
I am not really sure what you are doing with the PS pump, as i have not touched that...
good luck