The hidden one is the expansion tank. If the pressure cap releases coolant, instead of going to the ground, it EXPANDS into the expansion tank. Later when the engine cools off, the excess coolant will get sucked back into the pressure tank, all through the hose connected to the filler neck. It works like many cars, specificaly like most US cars, except it is hidden. The pressure tank is an unusual system compared to most US cars. The pressure tank is connected directly to the engine cooling system. The level does change according to engine temp, but it's not an expansion tank. The expansion tank handles the overflow from the system.
You don't state when the coolant was last replaced, so of course you'd want to pick up some good coolant. I'd recommend either the MB stuff or Xerex G05. I'd also recommend getting some good water, the cheap stuff you see at the grocery store that['s either distilled or "drinking" water would be fine, better than what you'd get at the tap and cheaper (less additives like flouride in the store-bought drinking water, but check the label).
The silicone sealant will hold the o-ring in place on the waterpump while you install it, it is helpful for that. The new pump should come with the o-ring. And then as i mentioned the other o-ring is the one on the end of the steel heater pipe that connects to the side of the waterpump, the pipe that crosses in front of the upper timing cover.
On the pwer steering pump, if it's leaking I'd recommend picking up a reman pump. Pretty involved.