Originally Posted by rgnprof
I put the red lead on pin #3 and the black lead on pin #2 and I get a a static reading of 69.9% - so far so good. Start the car and readings fluctuate around 50% until the car reaches operating temp - then readings go from 33%-41% at idle and 35%-43% at 2500 rpm. So I'm running rich, right?
You don't sound lost!
You just sound a little rich.
You should see 70% duty cycle ignition on, engine off.
Try to adjust the duty cycle from where you are (average of, say, 38%) to a value that fluctuates around 50%. I have done almost exactly this (average around 56%) and the car's running very well with reasonable consumption and nice clean spark plugs.
If you have a Duty Cycle meter, don't concern yourself with voltages.
And finally, yes, less is richer so I am suggesting you make the mixture leaner.