Lots of choices
There are many companies who will be happy to take your 2-4K$ for a plastic conebottom processor worth less than the 1K$ it takes to build but it is still mostly a manual process requiring interaction from you. Getting to the level of sophistication for pushbutton operation necessary for reliable operation is not cheap. You can do some research on the biodiesel infopop forums about what people(including me) have put together. Some are dirt cheap steel drums or converted water heaters, some are plastic conebottom tanks but I have yet to see anything automatic (other than the biopro) that I would trust to make fuel I am putting in my fuel tank. I prefer to take control of the process manually, with a bit of experience it is quite possible to consistantly produce good fuel, just takes time. The best idea is to do some research for a while to get some ideas before spending money on a ripoff unit. The most difficult part of making bio is actually securing a good continuing source of oil. Crappy oil is not worth working with even if it is free so beware. Cheers Dan
It's always something simple
91 300D 603.960 (from japan) 194K
92 Toyota Diesel Landcruiser HDJ81-t 116K
02 Golf TDI new head courtesy of PO
87 300D
97 BMW 525 TDS Wagon 5spd
bunch of Onan and other diesel generators