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Old 03-21-2000, 02:26 PM
Posts: n/a
I would use Roy Fields Mercedes. They are located in Timonium, directly across the street from the fairgrounds. The number is 410.252.4101, tell them ARI sent you from the internet.
They have been very good to me. I brought my 1991 300D in two weeks ago, before I bought it and they gave me a list of things it needed so I could deduct it from the price. When they started to do the work and pulled things off, there was $600.00 worth of hidden stuff that needed to be done, but I was not charged a penny for the extras, since they failed to find it on the pre-inspection.
I do not mind if a person makes a mistake, but I do mind if they try to hide it or cover it up.
Not so in this case.
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