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Old 10-26-2011, 01:19 PM
Pooka Pooka is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 664
Many years ago I read a story about someone who had tried to track down the first use of the logo.

They found people who had been alive when Benz first showed off his Patent Motorwagen and the old timers said Benz had painted something that looked like the logo on the side of his shop building. Under the star that was enclosed in a circle Benz wrote 'On this site a star will rise'.

But the building was long gone and so was anyone who had worked at the firm so all the author had to go on was hearsay. Since they had nothing to go on but old timers memories they decided that the three modes of transportation discussed in the film had to be the real story.

And.... If you look at BMW's logo you will see what is supposed to be an airplane prop turning. BMW made airplane engines before they built cars and this was where the real money was supposed to be in the 20's. It is not a big shock to think that Damiler-Benz would be concentrating on engines for everything since the thinking then was that cars were something that would never get past the rich mans' toy stage.
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