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Old 03-24-2000, 09:23 PM
Posts: n/a
A few things to build on Larry's comments. Concerning the fuel manifold tubing - replace it and either buy some extra tubing and a plug or save the old as an emergency spare and put it in your glove box.

Check your radiator hoses and replace if they appear aged at all - this is good insurance.

Check the battery tray and keep this area clean and rust free if you plan on owning the car a long time.

Concerning the fuel system, the only thing I would add is that you ought to runb some diesle doctor through the system to make sure youdon't have any fungus growing in the fuel. After you have run a few tanks through, I would then pukk the main tank strainer and replace it. This is cheap insurance too.

Lastly, I am told the hydrulic suspension tends to get ignored alot, so replace the fluid and the screen.

Have fun!

87 300TDT
150,000 miles

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