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Old 03-22-2000, 06:13 PM
stevebfl stevebfl is offline
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Gainesville FL
Posts: 6,844
Your tech missed on this one. The condition he described exists on many cars but not your MB. MB limits the amount of crankcase scavenging to what can pass through a metered oriface. The amount is considerably more than that which a good engine gives off in blow-by. Because the volume through the oriface is always greater than blow-by a significant vacuum would occur in such a situation. MB balances this by allowing air to flow into the valve cover from the air cleaner. Thus total air flow is blow-by plus intake air at V/C. There is no pressure differential.

BMW, Porsche, some models of Volvo have systems like your tech described but not any of the variety of K-Jet systems used by MB.

Steve Brotherton
Owner 24 bay BSC
Bosch Master, ASE master L1
26 years MB technician
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