A lot of my time recently has been focused on wiring - one of the things I enjoy the least, by the way. One of the biggest projects was getting all the components for the EGR controller installed and hooked up. This is a lot of work but necessary because I need all the smog stuff hooked up when I go get the car inspected for the title swap. Oh, and the tach is driven from the EGR controller as well so either way I needed the controller.
First I mounted the vacuum convertor and switchover valve.
Then I started running wires and hooking them up to the pigtail. This was my "map" to the hookup of all the components leading to the EGR Controller plug. I pulled power from the plug for the fuel injection controller because that comes from the overvoltage controller which will protect the controller. I snagged a tach pigtail at the JY last time so I've got a clean tach hookup.
Here is the EGR controller happily occupying the place of the old Lambda Control Module with the plug installed but the wires not yet wrapped and tied.
The I started hooking up my manual glow plugs. I got a nice momentary switch with a LED lighted ring that comes on when the glow plugs are operating. It was a little tricky because I couldn't find out whether the switch was capable of driving the Ford solenoid I'm using to drive the glow plugs, so I hooked up a standard Bosch 30amp relay to drive the solenoid. I mounted it on the dash below the light switch. I think it turned out very nice. The picture doesn't show much brightness for the LED but it is really brighter than it appears. (Also the solenoid is mounted on the firewall, so there is positive audio confirmation that the solenoid has activated!)
I'm going with a manual shutoff as well, and I've ordered a matching switch with a red LED which will drive a switchover valve to activate the vacuum shutoff on the injector pump.
Here's the solenoid installation, but the wire to the glow plugs hasn't been hooked up yet.
My plan for glow plugs is to use a cut down glow plug relay box and strip out all the electronics and solenoid. I'll keep the stock 80 amp fuse and the connector so it will look almost factory to a casual observer and mount in the same relative position on the fender well.