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Old 02-21-2013, 01:04 PM
HuskyMan HuskyMan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5,061
NOTICE TO FORUM MEMBERS: If you need any surgeries or major health care issues addressed and have either health insurance or the $$$$ to pay for it out of pocket, 2013 is the year to GET IT DONE. Husky has inside information from certain medical professionals that once Obamacare kicks into full swing costs will go UP and the level of care will go DOWN. Think VA grade medical care for everyone. Of course, this will occur over a period of several years so most people won't realize medical care is S-L-O-W-L-Y going into the toilet.

Many senior experienced physicians are using upcoming Obamacare as a reason to RETIRE EARLY and get out while they can. That means you will get stuck with the new, improved Generation X, Y and Millennial doctors who will diagnose you using technology because they are uncomfortable performing a hands-on, let-me-look-you-over-with-my-own-eyes exam.

You: "Doc, my back is killing me".

Generation X,Y or Millennial doctor: "Let me Google your symptoms on my iPhone so that I can figure out what to do."

Last edited by HuskyMan; 02-21-2013 at 01:36 PM.
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