Thread: It's a girl!!
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Old 03-13-2013, 06:37 PM
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jplinville jplinville is offline
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Originally Posted by dynalow View Post
Stand by, Jon, for the inevitable next question: "Dad, what do you want Kori to call you when she learns to talk"???

My daughter will deliver a son on or about April 20. It'll be my first grandchild. I don't know what to be called. But I am ready with the answer to this question.
Harley Davidson Grandpa Commercial - YouTube

You're damn right I did!!
LOL I'd never seen that one before. I've had HD as well as custom choppers. I've bungee jumped and skydived. I've lived a life full of exciting toys and hobbies. I can't wait to tell the little ones the stories.

The grandchildren through my wife call as Granny and Papaw. I prefer Grandpa, but Papaw works too. I don't expect my daughter to ask me, I'm sure whatever the little one calls me will stick, and I'll be hooked.

I've spent the better part of the afternoon tracking down Puffalump dollies like I bought my daughters, but they aren't made anymore, and the ones still in the package are collectible, so they fetch $50 or more each. I'm not interested in spending that much.

I did find a Fisher-Price baby doll in pink terry cloth at Toys R I picked up 3 of them. This way my daughter doesn't have the same issue my ex and I had trying to wash the rag doll while they weren't looking. A little slight of hand, and she should be able to swap them out pretty easily.

I ordered a crib last week, and had it delivered to my mother's house so I can present it to my daughter during my visit there next month. I had a matching dresser delivered as well. I've actually enjoyed shopping around for these items...I just hope she takes care of them and can use them for any future babies she may have.
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Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread. - Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821.
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