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Old 03-21-2013, 03:09 PM
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greazzer greazzer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
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Althougth looking back ten years to "see" that Baghdad Bob was "correct" in his predictions is stretching it, I will have to say the invasion and war (GW2) was simply not worth one soldier's life or one penny of American money. We can rattle our saber all we want, but when the rubber hits the road, unless the United States Congress declares war on an "enemy", no president should be permitted to invade a country, wage war, et cet. That certainly goes for B.O., who is rattling his saber right now and suggesting he will do so some more. Looking back, I suspect this will most likely be the greatest error of GB#2's presidency and the source of much of our current issues. Not suggesting our current regime has not contributed greatly to our problems, but going to war was an error IMO.
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