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Old 10-10-2013, 04:57 PM
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I think the focal point you're missing is your own statement:

It's not something that has an MSRP or a barcode on it. And sometimes, there's no "usual selling price on ebay" for the item.
In that instance, have you considered the very real probability that the seller may not have any idea what it's worth, either? They don't want to sound outrageous by way "overvaluing" it and they -- understandably -- don't want to take a huge loss by guessing low.

Perhaps they are thinking, "hey, here is someone interested in this widget...since they want it, I'll let them make an offer since maybe they -- needing this item -- might have some idea what it is worth?"

That's not really haggling, of course, that's just looking for someone to make an opening move.

After all, at least generally speaking, every seller is looking to get the most they can for an item, and every buyer is looking to pay as little as possible.

Either way, I don't see what the big deal is. Offer what you're willing to pay less some percentage, and if they accept, great. If they don't, then the haggling starts.
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