Thread: WTF?
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Old 11-20-2013, 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted by link View Post
There are mixed issues. According to the article this is a step towards autonomous vehicles – meaning that they dive themselves. I consider that to be a good thing. However since the generation of vehicles being introduced do not and will never drive themselves there is little reason for the technology to be in place, even tho they suggest it is for evaluation and evolution of the systems in place.

If someone carries a recent smart phone or other similar tech with them, their movements can already be tracked.

But the relentless intrusion into our privacy continues. I know there are arguments that state people on public hiways have no privacy, but this opens the door to automatic ticketing for speeding, or other similar violations, and minute by minute tracking of where we are and if someone is with us, but the article claims not who is in the vehicle.

Sadly, this is not even a political issue but one of perceived necessity by both major parties who direct an increasingly overbearing .gov.

Sure, it can't be hacked or modified. That is a real thigh slapper of a joke. A good read. Thanks for the post.
I'll second that emotion.
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