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Old 11-27-2013, 04:29 PM
Idle Idle is offline
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Mr. Murrell has hit upon an important point when he brings up the rewriting of the Bible. The problems started with the first translation from the original Greek as the translation was only as good as those doing the translating.

Those translators were also working from the copies they had to work with, and those were copies of copies. Older original versions have since been found and more scientific study has found errors in the original translations, so is the current version, or versions, correct? I doubt we will ever know.

Some of the stories can be checked against historical records so we can know that events took place that are described, but then the question arises about the description itself and who did the original story.

Some parts of the Old Testament are clearly meant to convey a lesson with a story. There is wisdom in the tale, but did the tale take place with 100% accuracy? Did Abraham actually tell a wealthy man the chasm between the man and God, the chasm so deep the man could not cross it and enter Heaven, was created by the man himself since the man knew the lessons of the Prophets and chose to ignore them, or is this story told to make the reader understand that past wisdom is valuable and you will be a better person if you live your life according to the teachings of God's Commandments?

The problem in the Costco incident is not with the Bible. It is with someones desire to not bother to set-up more than two book sections.
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