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Old 07-03-2014, 08:20 AM
rayhennig rayhennig is offline
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Originally Posted by Ferdman View Post
DMC-12, I checked online and the backing plate (Bosch ignition suppression cover) is available for $65. The website I checked didn't list the O-ring, but you should be able to source it for about $5. Best to replace both ASAP so your ignition system functions as designed. If you purchased high quality ignition wires (Bosch or Beru) in 2011 they should be fine; however, if you opted for cheap wires they could be problematic.
If cash is short, I would clean (I usually use trichloroethylene) that shield thoroughly and fill that crack with some high temperature epoxy in a VERY thin coat, on either side. When it's cured, I would spray the entire shield with silicon fluid and then solicon grease the O-ring before installing both.

I bet you'd have a year or two's service out of that.

My son laughs at me because I often do repair jobs at home which is 50 Km from the dealer. So, I break something and the only anwer is "epoxy and cable ties". So far, I have repaired both the idle control valve hoses like that and the seatbelt buckle (but without the cable ties). The first ICV hose repair has lasted 5 years and is still going strong!!!

All the best.

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