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Old 09-25-2014, 05:50 PM
97 SL320 97 SL320 is offline
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On various cars, I've seen the strut get loose where the rod enters the strut body. This bushing will give a click over slight bumps. Changing the strut is the fix.

Does this car have tie rod looking links between the sway bar and control arm? These can click over uneven bumps but not make noise when both sides of the suspension go up and down.

I've also seen ball and socket inner tie rod ends on rack and pinion steering wear and cause a click. This is somewhat difficult to diagnose as having wheels hang when jacked up or turned will bring unworn surfaces together making everything tight. Best way to check is at ride height with wheels straight. Grab the tire and try to steer it ( wiggle ) some play is normal but you might be able to hear a click.
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