Using a hosting site will work to upload images, but the downside is that in the future the links can go dead when the images are no longer hosted.
When you are in the "Quick Reply" pane, if you click on the yellow "Go Advanced" button the "Quick Reply" pane changes to a "Reply to Thread" pane and an "Additional Options" pane opens (also it opens when you click on the "Post New Topic" button)
In the "Additional Options" pane , click on the "Manage Attachments" button to open the "Manage Attachments" pane, and you can add up to 5 thumbnail attachments (per post) from your own computer.
Valid file extensions: bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd txt wav wmv zip
78 W116 300SD 'Desert Rose' new as of 01/26/2014
79 W116 300SD 'Stormcloud' RIP 04/11/2022