Originally Posted by Whiskeydan
Typically a glow plug either shows "open circuit", infinite resistance (bad) or a very low resistance for a good one. 6-9 ohms is high but I suspect your leads and connections all had resistance that added up. What do you see when connecting the leads together?
Well, to be honest with ya I didn't try that. I'll have to see what I get next time. I think at this point though it's probably best to replace them all and ream the carbon. Who knows when its done?
Diesel911, thanks for the link a lot of good stuff in that post. I think that in my case, it's probably best to replace all the plugs. Do the wires ever need to be replaced at all? I'm also going to order a reamer. Would the reamer for the om602 work on my newer om606s? I have to do a glow plug on my 1999.
Only diesels in this driveway.
2005 E320 CDI 243k Black/Black
2008 Chevy 3500HD Duramax 340k
2004 Chevy 2500HD Duramax 220k