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Old 06-22-2017, 01:54 PM
ESchwab ESchwab is offline
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Originally Posted by oldsinner111 View Post
I just worry I won't live to see the 8 year old grown,he has no where to go,no one wants him.I need to make it to 72.

OS, I am 7 or 8 years older than you are -- it will be 80 next April -- and can tell you that you have some good years in front of you. Walks like those you mentioned in your prior post have been good for me. The best time for walking is before 9 a.m., because the that's the cool part of the day and neighbors are out. You get to know them better and develop friendships.

Another thing is to go to a McDonald's near you where old guys congregate for an hour or longer in the mornings over that cup of Senior Coffee. My wife calls it a waste of time; to me, it's an opportunity to talk with neighbors.

Being active in your seventies often means little more than getting out of the house for a while and moving your feet some. Never spend a whole day in your house unless you are sick.
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