Originally Posted by tjts1
Yeah I know. Thats exactly what I just said.
So again, how exactly is the big bad scawy gubment going to tax the "fuel" from the solar panels on my roof?
The whole premise of a "fuel tax" on EVs is dumb. Electricity can come from any number of sources especially if a vehicle is charged at home. The only practical way to make EVs pay for the roads we all use is through a mileage tax which I support completely.
Have you seen the electricity meter on your house? - Your hands will be tied when legislation enforces this very act and an addtional solar panel meter will report to "big bad gubmint" - dont underestimate big corp.
using the fuel tax example you gave, for ICE diesel vehicles on road, they can just fill up with red diesel - its the same result, you dont pay road tax on it. (till the cops write you up)
the "till the cops write you up" is very near for EVs.
you can build your own roads with your own coin and drive on them as you please.